Go Johnny Go!

Go Johnny go!

My Johnny boy is barely a boy anymore. He is six foot tall handsome confident responsible young man. I can’t believe he is almost grown!

One year from now he will be almost 18 and knowing him will probably be planning his European back pack trip.

Johnny’s healing began with Phantom and continues as he follows his passion working with animals. His business (that isn’t even a year old) has taken off with almost a life of its own. He is determined to keep going even when curve balls come he has proven himself to be very innovative. He is honest and trustworthy and a good businessman and salesman. He has overcome many obstacles over the last few years and his hard work and determination has brought him to this place of success!

He is also an accomplished drummer. He and Kait like to play together. (She plays the ukulele, guitar, and piano) Something that really impresses me about Johnny is that when he tackles something he gives it 100% and he more often then not conquers it. He just decided one day he wanted to play the drums and he put his mind to it and learned all he could and just figured it out and did it. Music has become a way to connect with others as well as a creative and therapeutic outlet.

He is also a gifted writer. He writes fiction and journals.

I have seen him find balance and rely on his faith and immerse himself into things that fulfill him. Recently he has been challenging himself to try new things and to venture out connecting with the world in new ways.

Somehow we came through the wondering “who he will become” to admiring “who he is” without me fully realizing it. My dreams for him went from hoping he would learn what he needed to know and be who he needed to be, to being excited to see him go out into the world knowing he is ready for anything!

One thought on “Go Johnny Go!

  1. We sure enjoyed getting to know him when he came out to visit! I agree, he is an amazing young man! Now we just need to reconnect with his mom and get to know his sister and brother as well!

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